A Message from Our Principal, Mr. Christian A. Barnes

Welcome Back returning RMS Wolves and to our New RMS Wolves!  This is going to be an AWESOME SY25! 

“What time is it?  It’s time to W.A.R.M. UP! We Are Rome Middle and winning is the goal!”

This is your principal, Mr. Barnes and I am extremely excited to see each and every one of you.  We are days away from school reopening and sadly, summer break is coming to an end.  In just a few short days, our hallways will be filled with laughter, smiling faces and students catching up on their summer activities.  I cannot wait to visit classrooms where teachers will capture the attention of students with engaging lessons.  Our RMS Vision is “To increase the number of students who meet or exceed their Literacy MAP Growth Goal by 10%.”  We want to see all of our students grow academically by leaps and bounds. 

In preparation for the new school year, there are a few new things I'd like things I’d like to share:

  • All students staying after school (i.e., athletes, after school clubs, tutoring etc.) will be dismissed to the gymnasium first, followed by all car riders and then students taking the bus will be dismissed over the intercom when their bus is ready to load. 

  • Dress Code: Jeans with holes above the knee must be worn with tights underneath (below the knee is acceptable).  Please see the RMS Student Handbook for more details.

  • School begins at 8:30 (HR will be from 8-8:30) and all students must enter through the gymnasium up to 8:30. Afterwards, students must enter the building at the Front Office. 

  • All students must wear their ID’s at all times (IT MUST BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES). 

  • All students must have a locker (please have your student speak with their HR teacher to obtain a locker). 

  • Please click here to view the RMS Student Handbook for other important details (English).

  • Click here to view our Welcome Back video. 

This will be the BEST year yet!  Get ready to get back in the game…GAME ON.  Let’s go!  See you soon!

 Go Wolves,
