Superintendent Dr. Eric L. Holland’s First 10 Days on the Job
ROME, GA— Things have been busy in Rome City Schools since Superintendent Dr. Eric Holland has taken over as the system's leader. The first thing he said he must do is listen to leadership, his teachers and his students.
Dr. Holland has organized a series of meetings with RCS Central Office staff to form a plan that will strengthen processes. By evaluating the current workflow in the office, Dr. Holland hopes to increase the level of productivity and alleviate time loss that could be used to focus on the system's mission.
He has submitted a plan he hopes will accomplish this goal during his first 90 days in the office. This plan can be found on the RCS system website. By combining effective practices and reimagining the education of students in Rome City Schools, Dr. Holland hopes to put children at the top of the organization chart. His philosophy is that all things the system hopes to accomplish is for the good of the students, which makes them the real bosses.
Also, meetings with local community leadership, like clergy, government officials and other stakeholders, are the inception of a strong connection between the schools and the community they serve. By reminding the community often that, "No one of us is as great as all of us," Dr. Holland has taken the village approach to leading Rome City Schools.
In the pipeline are many ways the system will connect with the community including a monthly breakfast with local clergy, a mentorship program, a chance for students to contact Dr. Holland through their Superintendent’s Advisory Committee and many more efforts to build a strong foundation for collaboration.
The Rome City Schools Board of Education also attended An Urban Board Alliance Conference hosted by COSSBA (Consortium of State School Boards Associations). While there, the Board learned about creative ways to help students achieve in challenging environments and gained valuable opportunities to network with other administrators.
Please keep an eye on the Rome City Schools website and on the social media pages for a continuing effort to keep you informed. New information will be released daily to keep you in the loop.
As with all things, Dr. Holland has asked that his administrators, teachers and support staff autograph their work with excellence. And since the work has a direct impact on the students at Rome City Schools, their success is the most powerful sign of progress.